ES School Gate Padlocks

ES School Gate Padlocks

Independent Locksmiths & Security are preferred suppliers of all NSW Department of Education school padlocks to be used on gates and perimeter fencing (ES Padlocks).

These padlocks are made exclusively for Primary Schools and High Schools for gates and perimeter fencing. There are three options as shown below:-

  1. No Shackle (Broadhurst) for use on a custom gate fitting (EDU245SPECIAL)
  2. Standard shackle length = 25mm (EDU83/45SA25)
  3. Extended Shackle length = 50mm (EDU83/45SA50)

1 x key is included and supplied with each padlock ordered. If additional keys are required they can also be ordered with us online.

Please complete our online order form and advise your Site Lock Code (this is the ‘ES’ number stamped on your existing School padlocks and keys).



These padlocks are made exclusively for Primary Schools and High Schools for gates and perimeter fencing. There are three options as shown below:-

  1. No Shackle (Broadhurst) for use on a custom gate fitting (EDU245SPECIAL)
  2. Standard shackle length = 25mm (EDU83/45SA25)
  3. Extended Shackle length = 50mm (EDU83/45SA50)

1 x key is included and supplied with each padlock ordered. If additional keys are required they can also be ordered with us online.

Please complete our online order form and advise your Site Lock Code (this is the ‘ES’ number stamped on your existing School padlocks and keys).